The Valley of Dry Bones


I was a soldier fighting in a valley now known as the valley of dry bones.  One day many years after I had died, my dry bones heard the Word of the Lord through a prophet whose name is Ezekiel.  I heard him call for the bones to come together.  My bones were scattered all over the valley floor a long distance from another.  My bones begin to rattle and find one another and my skeleton was once again made whole.  I heard him call upon the earth to once again cover my bones with flesh, and it happened.  He then called upon the wind to breathe life back into my lungs and it happened.  I am a witness that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior.  I heard his call, will you? 

The book of Ezekiel is known as the book of glory lost and regained.  Ezekiel, according to Chapter 1 verse 3 was a priest. We also learn in Chapter 1 that Ezekiel began his writing of this book during the captivity of Judah.  

Ezekiel 1:2 “In the fifth day of the month, which was the fifth year of king Jehoiachin's captivity,”

This gives us an understanding that Ezekiel’s ministry was at the same time as Daniel, Jeremiah and probably Habakkuk and Obadiah.  We will focus on Ezekiel chapter 37, the valley of dry bones.  The Bible Skeleton would encourage the reader to study this book along with Jeremiah, Lamentations, and Daniel.  All of these books took place at the same time but in different places on earth.

The Bible Skeleton’s intention here is to give the reader a brief understanding of the Valley of Dry Bones in Ezekiel Chapter 37.  In order to do that let us review an outline to the book Ezekiel to give us some understanding of what has happened before chapter 37.


  1. Chapter 1 through Chapter 3 verse 15 we find the Lord’s calling for Ezekiel.
  2. Chapter 3 verse 16 through Chapter 7 verse 27 we find the carrying out of his commission. 
  3. Chapter 8 through Chapter 11 we will see the children of Israel’s rejection of Ezekiel’s message.
  4. Chapter 12 through Chapter 24 we will see their sins rebuked, and the nature of judgement and their gilt.
  5. Chapter 25 through Chapter 32 we see a warning and the carrying out of judgement to heathen nations around Judah.
  6. Chapter 33 verse 21 we see the destruction of Jerusalem.
  7. Chapter 33 through Chapter 48 is the prophecies of Israel’s future, glory regained. Here is where we shall pick up our story of the valley of dry bones.

Please read Ezekiel chapter 37, the key verse to understanding this chapter is verse 11.

Ezekiel 37:11 Then he said unto me, Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel: behold, they say, our bones are dried, and our hope is lost: we are cut off for our parts. 

This verse refers to the dry bones bring a representation of the nation of Israel.  Israel in Ezekiel’s day had completed rejected the prophets of God thud rejecting God.  They had begun to worship false gods of the nations around them.  As a result of their disobedience to God, God removed his blessing for the nation, and it fell captive to foreign nations.  Ezekiel was being held as a captive by Nebuchadnezzar kingdom of Babylon when the Word of God came to him.  Here in Ezekiel Chapter 37 God is showing Ezekiel what is going to happen to Israel in the future.  Israel becomes so removed from God that they have no life in them.  They are as dry bones withering away in the wind.  We know now from history that the Jewish nation are so removed from God’s Word that they will not even recognize the Messiah Jesus Christ when he comes.  God tells Ezekiel in these verse that Israel will not stay in this state.  They will in the future turn their heart back to God.  They will one day soon recognize Jesus Christ as their Messiah and tendons and flesh will return to their dry bones.  Israel after King Solomon divided into two kingdoms.  The ten northern tribes became the nation of Israel, and the two southern tribes became the nation of Judah.  We read in this chapter that God will bring this nation back, not as two nations but as one (Ezekiel 37:22).  

The Bible is real in our lives today, yes, the prophesies we read in the Bible are becoming true in our day, in the year 2023.  This prophesy of Israel becoming a nation again has already been fulfilled.  Is there a nation today called Israel?  Is there a nation today called Judah?  Israel became a nation in May of 1948 and the children of Israel have been returning to their homeland ever since.  This Bible prophecy in Ezekiel 37 is happening today before your very eyes.  Yes, I believe the dry bones of Israel are rattling my friend.  The return of Christ and the rapture of the Church is about to happen.  The question is: Are you ready to meet Jesus Christ?  Have you accepted him as your savior and Lord?  Please do so before it is to late, ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins.  Ask him for his free gift of salvation.  Jesus Christ is the way; I do not care what the world tells you Jesus Christ is the way to heaven.  Jesus Christ is the truth.  Today we ask what is the true answer to religion?  Who is right, how do we get to Heaven?  The Bible is real and is being lived out before our eyes today.  The Bible is clear in John 14:6, my friend TRUTH is a person: Jesus Christ.  When you accept His way and His truth, He will become LIFE everlasting LIFE.

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